时间:2022年10月27日 - 10月28日地点:上海
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在汽车发展智能化的背景下,智能座舱逐渐成为汽车智能化发展的重点。Researchandmarkets指出全球汽车数字座舱市场预计将从2018年的139亿美元增长到2025年底的323亿美元, 年复合增长率约为12.83%。根据华泰证券的报告,国内智能驾驶舱2025年市场空间有望突破1100亿元,2021-2025复合增速17%。智能座舱将集成更多的信息和功能,汽车由分布式架构向域控制方向发展,实现更加自然的人机交互,为用户提供更多智能的体验。众多整机厂和供应商们都在结合各自优势,打造全新的汽车智能座舱产品。不仅如此,国家层面也在大力支持汽车行业的智能化浪潮,例如《智能汽车创新发展战略》指明了2025年实现有条件智能汽车规模化生产,2035年中国标准智能汽车体系全面建成的愿景。
UI/UX 设计促进人机关系亲密性
上海希为(ECV International)是亚洲领先的国际高端商业峰会及活动的主办和承办机构,拥有近100位行业研究及活动策划、运营专家,每年在全球举办60多场高水平的线上线下国际峰会,峰会主题涵盖汽车、能源、制造业、纺鞋、数字营销、零售、碳中和、可持续发展、供应链、财务、人才、钢铁、医药医疗等领域行业。我们服务了超过一半的财富2,000强企业。每年有6,000+名高管和顶尖企业的代表参加了我们的活动。
The 4th China Automotive Intelligent Cockpit Summit
Summit Background
In the context of the development of intelligent cars, the intelligent cockpit has gradually become the focus of the development of intelligent cars. researchandmarkets points out that the global automotive digital cockpit market is expected to grow from $13.9 billion in 2018 to $32.3 billion by the end of 2025, with a compound annual growth rate of about 12.83%. According to a report by Huatai Securities, the domestic smart cockpit market space is expected to exceed 110 billion yuan in 2025, with a compound growth rate of 17% from 2021 to 2025. The intelligent cockpit will integrate more information and functions, and the car will develop from distributed architecture to domain control direction to achieve more natural human-machine interaction and provide more intelligent experience for users. Many OEMs and suppliers are combining their strengths to create new automotive intelligent cockpit products. In addition, the national level is also supporting the wave of intelligence in the automotive industry, for example, the Strategy for the Innovative Development of Intelligent Vehicles specifies the vision of realizing the large-scale production of conditional intelligent vehicles by 2025 and the comprehensive completion of China's standard intelligent vehicle system by 2035.
The 4th China Automotive Intelligent Cockpit Summit 2022 will gather about 120 experts and executives from the automotive industry to focus on the networked technology, software development, hardware innovation, business model and user insight of intelligent cockpit, and provide an in-depth comprehensive analysis of the opportunities and challenges of intelligent cockpit development. At the same time, this summit will also provide an ideal platform for industry colleagues to communicate and interact, and win business opportunities together.
Summit Time/ Address
Oct 27-28, 2022/Shanghai, China
Selected topics
Intelligent Cockpit Development Trend and Future R&D Direction Proposal
Creating an Intelligent, Personalized and Futuristic ”Third Space" in Line with the Trend of the Intelligent Connected Vehicle Era
In the Era of Automotive Payment, Software Charging Opens up New Channels for Profit
Build Digital Cockpit Era with Open Integrated Ecology
The Underlying In-vehicle Operating System Facilitates the Intelligent Upgrade of the Cockpit
Intelligent Cockpit Hot Track: In-vehicle Infotainment System that in Active Period
The Role of Type in HMI Systems
UI/UX Design Promotes Human-Machine Intimacy
Multimodal Emotion Recognition based on Biometric Detection
Panel Discussion: The Importance of the Develop ment of Intelligent Cockpit Industry and Its Potential Chances and Business Opportunities
New Forces Car Manufacturers Define the New Trend of Smart Cockpit Development with Entertainment Space
Consulting Agencies;OEMs;Automotive Component Suppliers; In-vehicle Chip Manufacturers; Cockpit Domain Controller Suppliers; HUD Integrators; Communication Vendors; Secondary Component Suppliers; Operating System Vendors; Software; Internet/Technology; HMI Technology Vendors; Intelligent Cockpit Solution Providers; Research Institutes.
Official website of the summit: http://www.ecvinternational.com/AutomotiveCockpit/index.html
Contacts: Wes Wei
Phone: +86 -21 - 8026 0707 ext 803
Email: marketing@ecvinternational.com
About Us
With a team of 100+ professionals specialized in events planning and execution, we held 60+ high-level online & in-person international summits around the world per year. The theme of the events involved in the fields of Vehicle, Energy, Manufacturing, Apparel & Textile, Footwear Industry, Digital Marketing, Carbon Neutral, Sustainability Development, Supply Chain, Finance, Digital Talent, Steel, Cyber Security and other traditional and emerging technology industries. We have served more than half of the Fortune 2000 companies and with 6000+ executives and delegates from top-notch corporations take part in our events each year.
We have successfully organized a number of industry-influential events through in-depth industry insight, well-managed customer relationship. Our mission is to provide professional services, connect and inform stakeholders the latest industry trends and best practices, and build a high-value social platform for industry executives. Help enterprise decision-makers meet challenges, seize opportunities and achieve efficient development and create more value.
联系人: Wes Wei
电话:+86 21 8026 0707-803
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